1 Year Diploma Course in Fine Arts

FAAI is offering 1 Year Fine Arts Diploma in Painting. This diploma course has been specifically designed to strengthen your pre-degree foundation by upskilling your Fine Arts proficiency while preparing an impressive portfolio of Artwork.
This diploma course will give you a higher edge in your Fine Arts pursuits whether you are applying for an Art teacher's position, preparing for admission into Fine Arts colleges or if you are planning to build a career in design/Fine Arts professions.
This course will include:
40+ live sessions (either online or in-class)
25+ recorded video tutorials
50+ Assignments
FAAI Certification of Proficiency
Course Curriculum
Module 1 - Sketching fundamentals
Lines, angles and curves
Space, contour lines, boxes
Proportions, isometric views 4) 1 point, 2 point, 3 point perspective
Module 2 - Shading techniques
Chiaroscuro on 3D forms
Kettle, Book, Apple – still life study with graphite
Book, clock, lantern – still life study with charcoal
Origami boat/airplane – still life study with ink pen
Showing depth in Apple 6) Capsicum – speed drawing with all 3 mediums
Module 3 - Methods of composition
Elements of design
Principles of design
Still life and landscape composition
Still life set up guidelines
Module 4 - Rendering Texture and Detailing
Rendering coconut (charcoal)
Rendering carved wood object (color pencil)
Rendering pomegranate with seeds (graphite/color pencil)
Rendering hand texture (color pencils/soft pastels)
Drawing a Horse’s head (charcoal / soft pastels)
Module 5 - Still life study
Reflective Metal
Transparent glass object
Module 6 - Landscape Study
Water with reflections
Flower with water droplets
Module 7 - Portraits
Basic measurements and Proportions
3 profiles of head
Drawing of facial features
Envelope shape, lines and angles
Coincidences and shadows
Self portrait
Module 8 - Human figures
Basic measurements and proportions
Standing figures
Sitting figures
Sketching self in various postures
Module 9 - Color Theory
B&w swatches, contrast, still life, relative value study
Color wheel
Monochrome, analogous, triad, tetrad, complimentary
Mixing green tones, blue tones, skin tones
Mixing any possible color
Still life
Color psychology
Module 10 - Water color
Brushes, palette, transparency, values, washes, gradation
Wet-on-dry, glazing, Rubik’s cube
Leaves, flower, droplet composition
Capsicum, veggies, fruits composition
Texture – rough coconut
Texture – drapery
Texture – metal
Texture – glass
Ceramic pottery with motifs
Temple sculptures
Stones, rocks and mountains
Sky and Clouds
Trees – 1, 2, 3
Water/sea waves/fall/fountain/creek
Object (boat) in water, reflection
Human figures
Cityscape with watercolor and ink